Susan Peake and Shelagh Armour-Godbolt on either side of Jane Muema, past president of KENBC
Ruth is a KEEF Post Secondary nursing student
Retired Principal Grace Lidede has supported KEEF for years.
Sarah Nabongo, KEEF Office Administrator, receives a certificate from KEEF Board Chair Alinda Ware.
Michael is a KEEF Post Secondary student, now doing a 1-year internship at Kakamega Hospital
Most facilitators and presenters at our annual workshops are local Kenyans, and many are former KEEF students.
Brenda's Ride 2018 - 13,000 km
Brenda in Mongolia
Brenda's Ride 2016 - Cairo to Cape Town
GC4C - Global Change for Children - is a foundation in Vancouver that has funded several building and water projects through KEEF.
The first GC4C-KEEF project.
Mwikhomo School serves deaf and hearing impaired children from a large area around Kakamega.
GC4C funded, through KEEF, a water storage system and a Science lab/classroom.
Marie and Tatuli plant a tree at Mwyala celebration.
Celebrating GC4C project completion