Kenya Education Endowment Fund

KEEF Newsletter No. 20 and AGM Notice Nov. 2020
- Annual General Meeting via Zoom
- Thank you Kenyan volunteers
- KEEF’s Pandemic Relief Fund
- Giving Tuesday – supporting Nickson
- GC4C projects completed
- Recognition of Sarah Nabongo
Kenya Education Endowment Fund Update 11 August 2020
Habari (hello) from KEEF to our sponsors and supporters!
The purpose of this mail out is to update our April 9, 2020 message and let you know that we continue to support our 130 secondary students during these pandemic times. [Our April 9 message ”Supporting Our KEEF Students” is on our web site].
In mid-March students returned home to their small rural farms in poor communities. Similar to Canada, KEEF students are ‘learning from home’ and outlines for learning expectations are provided for each form (grade).
We have recently been informed that secondary schools will not re-open until January 2021 and students are trying to keep up with their studies until then.
In January, the school year will begin again as students had only completed term one of the three term year. The Ministry of Education has provided expectations online, however they have not provided access to supports. We have taken some action to help our students stay connected to their studies and hopeful for when their schools re-open. Sarah Nabongo (Kenyan office manager), the KEEF Kenyan board and some KEEF alumni have been in regular contact with our students. They provide mentoring support and are helping us to understand the specific challenges of each KEEF student. Based on responses from our students, they – and their parents/guardians – have been very appreciative that KEEF has reached out to contact them.
KEEF Canada has also established a COVID-19 Emergency Fund. This is providing solar lamps, some financial assistance to students who have lost a parent, and revision books (something like Coles Notes) for all Form 4 students. As funds become available, we will provide revision books for the lower forms. We are trying to make sure that all secondary students have the opportunity to effectively continue with their studies until the January opening.
If you are able to assist us to meet the needs of students during this difficult time, we welcome your donations. Options for donations are below.
- Mail cheques payable to KEEF to:
Margaret Klesner
#904, 2135 Argyle Avenue
West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1A5
- Email an Interac e-transfer to:
- Donate through PayPal – see our web site
- Donate through CanadaHelps – see our web site

Kenya Education Endowment Fund Update 10 April 2020
Supporting our KEEF Students
Thank you, KEEF sponsors and supporters for your interest and concern as we cope with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kenya has closed schools, universities, and many businesses, and restricted or banned most forms of travel. The 120 secondary students that we sponsor were all sent home and are trying to keep safe as they assist their families and find ways to study.
The KEEF Board is reaching out to our secondary students through Sarah, our Office Administrator, and through many of the facilitators that help with the annual November workshops. [See the photo below]. Sarah has phone contacts for all of our students and will bring concerns to our attention.
Approximately 30 KEEF post secondary students are in a variety of places throughout Kenya. Some have returned home, and some are staying at or nearby their university.
Most post secondary students are active on social media, and we have asked them to contact Sarah to update their circumstances. Many students quickly responded and Sarah will follow up on the others by phone.
It is important to note that KEEF is not a “relief” organization and we do not have funds to directly support the range of needs that can be anticipated. However, we will do what we can and we will keep our sponsors informed.
Keep safe, everyone, as we play our part in the global response to COVID-19.
Alinda Ware, President,
for the KEEF Board of Directors, April 11, 2020
KEEF videos
This seems to be a good time to bring back 3 videos we made a couple
of years ago. We thank Cyril Lukaya in Kakamega for making the original videos.
Why support KEEF? A volunteer’s perspective (4 min.)
KEEF Workshops 2017 (3 min.)
Meet Some KEEF Students (10 min.)

Kenya Education Endowment Fund Update 9 November 2019
KEEF will again participate in the annual Giving Tuesday (GT) event organized by Canada Helps. We have two goals for GT 2019:
- to reach new supporters and donors through social media, with the help of volunteer Sarah Breakey, and a media release to community papers and broadcasters across B.C. To do this successfully, we ask for your help in two ways. If you see an article locally, or hear a radio announcement, please let KEEF know, so we can thank the agency. If you are on social media, please consider passing on Sarah’s weekly Facebook item, leading up to GT 2019, to your social media friends.
- Our second goal is to raise $600 by combining small gifts to fund the second year of high school studies for Nickson – the student whose scholarship we raised through Giving Tuesday last year.
Nickson lives in rural Kenya near Kakamega with his parents who are labourers. He did well in elementary school – being named as Head Boy the final two years. However, there were no funds to continue when he completed elementary school in 2009. He has worked as a casual labourer and herdsman, waiting and hoping for an answer to his dream of high school. Despite being out of school for a decade, Nickson has worked hard. He especially likes Math and achieved a B average in his courses this year, holding 7th place in his class of 44 students.
You can help by bringing Nickson to the attention of those you know who may have $10 or $20 to spare toward Nickson’s scholarship. (Tax-deductible receipts are available for all donations.) Our website describes the variety of ways people can make a donation. Please ask donors to indicate their gift is for Giving Tuesday.
Thank you for any support you can give to promoting awareness of KEEF’s Giving Tuesday 2019 campaign and Nickson’s need!
For more, contact Shelagh Armour-Godbolt at
or 604-415-9397. Email KEEF at
or mail cheques to the address on page 2.
For more information about Giving Tuesday, please check out the short video at this link:
To donate directly to KEEF:
A polite reminder to our Sponsors
Secondary Fees are due in early December. For secondary school sponsors, we need your donations in December to ensure we have funds on hand to wire to Kenya in time for the start of the new school year in January. Our annual sponsorship fee for secondary students remains at $600. Payments can be made by cheque or online [contact info below].
For Post Secondary sponsors, we send out individual financial updates generally three times per year, or at any time if you have inquiries.
As many of you know, November, December and January are very busy months in Kenya as students finish exams, attend workshops and we interview and select new students for 2020. Our sponsors are essential to the success of KEEF and we extend our sincere thanks. You truly make a difference in the lives of students, their families and their communities.
Special thanks to sponsors who
have already sent funds for 2020
After Secondary Graduation – what’s next for donors?
Sponsors of secondary students who are able to continue their support have two options when a student graduates from Form 4:
- Ø Sponsor a new Form 1 student for a further 4 years, or
- Ø Assist a high achieving secondary graduate to enter a post secondary program. Contact us for details on projected costs and your options.
Many options for donating
Our web site has several options for donating, and all donations will be tax receipted. Note that 100% of ALL donations to sponsor students go directly to students in Kenya. Our operational costs - which are low because we are all volunteers - are raised separately through craft sales or other special fund raising events. Also, many donors contribute to our KEEF Operations and Student Support Fund by adding a small increment of 5 to 10 per cent to their sponsorships. Your generosity helps us cover essential expenses. [More details are on our web site]
Thinking long term? KEEF has two Endowment Funds:
The Marie MacKay Endowment Fund, which awards bursaries and scholarships to secondary students.
The Alinda Ware Post Secondary Bursary Fund, which awards bursaries to post secondary students.
Both funds are managed by the Vancouver Foundation.
Your donations will remain in the funds and earnings will provide scholarships and bursaries for many years into the future. [More details are on our web site].
Brenda’s Ride Update
Brenda completed her incredible 13,000 km Silk Road cycling journey on Oct. 3rd. 2018. For several weeks in the spring and summer of 2019 Brenda cycled around BC doing speaking engagements and slide shows. She again met her goal of raising over $20,000 for KEEF! Stay tuned, there may be another epic cycling trip in the future. Brenda, we can’t thank you enough for your generosity and commitment!
Brenda’s cycling trip has been chronicled on her blog at:
Kakamega Update
Since mid October, KEEF President Alinda Ware has been back in Kakamega. She has been working hard with Sarah Nabongo, our office administrator, organizing the annual “life skills” workshops to be held at the end of November. A dozen or more Kenyan graduates of KEEF will prepare and deliver a wide range of workshops, which students report to be a highlight of their year.
We are pleased to note that KEEF Board members Dick Glassford and Janice Trenholme along with Alinda Ware, all from Vancouver Island, have volunteered as KEEF Agents. They are in Kakamega now and will take part in the workshops and also the interviewing and selection of new students for 2020.
AGM Update
We held our AGM in September and welcomed Susan Edwards as a new board member. Susan volunteered for KEEF in Kakamega last year. We regretfully received Tanya Harmon’s resignation from the board due to other commitments.
Directors for 2019-20
Shelagh Armour-Godbolt, Susan Edwards, Sally Gellard, Dick Glassford, Margaret (Peg) Klesner, Susan Peake, Don Reimer, Janice Trenholme, Alinda Ware
Contact Us:
Web site:
Tel: 604-926-3018
Cheques by Post:
KEEF c/o Peg Klesner
Suite 904, 2135 Argyle Ave.
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1A5

KEEF update 8th September 2019
Kenya Education Endowment Fund Notice of Annual General Meeting
2:00 p.m. Saturday, September 28, 2019
Oak Room, New Delbrook Community Rec Centre,
851 W Queens Rd, North Vancouver, BC
(same place as last year)
On the Agenda:
- Reports from directors and volunteers, including: fundraising, finances, and more
- Election of Directors for 2019
- -20
- Slide show

Our project with GC4C this year has been the building of a new kitchen for Emasera Community School.
Emasera’s former kitchen, June 2019

New kitchen almost done, Aug. 2019

KEEF Web site update
Thanks to the generous support of SSA Group and Speed Agency, we have been updating our web site, including recognition of our corporate sponsors. Some of these sponsors have supported KEEF students and projects for many years, and others have joined us very recently. Below is a sample of part of the corporate page of the web site, with a new “Corporate” link and logos of some of our sponsors. We hope to have the site revisions completed this fall.